Until I see better evidence, I will not believe, for example, that the Watchtower submitted an application or reapplication form on which they agreed to accept the aims and goals of the UN...Thus, it is not true, as so many were claiming, that the Watchtower accepted in secret the aims and goals of the UN; all they did was allow the UN to believe whatever they wished to believe
"By accepting association with the DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations..."
"The NGOs officially recognized by DPI cooperate with the United Nations to help build public understanding and support for United Nations programmes and goals."
The first quote is an excerpt from a letter from Paul Hoeffel, Chief of the UN DPI-NGO Section. He is speaking specifically about the WTS and says that they agreed to support the principles of the UN Charter.
The second quote is from a 1992 press release, the year the wts signed on with the UN.
Couple this with the pro-UN articles appearing in WT rags for the past ten years. There is no question the WTS was lending support to the United Nations - even if that support was only lip service.
So is it ok to bow down to an idol if I don't really mean it?
so not divulging the truth in this matter was entirely consistent with their teaching. At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work.Joseph, I don't think anyone here is suggesting the wts was completely honest with the UN. We all know they were using or exploiting (as you say) the UN. And you're right that this is consistent with their teaching about being dishonest when it suits them. But this does not change the fact that the wts did agree to support the UN, and lived up to that commitment by running UN propaganda in their publications (and submitting samples of their articles to the UN).
Now all "theocratic warfare" aside, how can God's channel of communication be used as a channel of communication for the scarlet-colored wild beast? What jw believes Jehovah God would share his channel with the beast?
Did the Watchtower Society "support" the scarlet beast of Revelation?
: http://www.geocities.com/watchtowersociety/beast.htm